Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jumping out of the nest.

Its funny, being in an in between stage like I am. I feel like I'm desperately still trying to hold onto how everything was (and still is) but am willingly walking into something totally different. It makes me a little tired pulling so hard, trying to drag the old season into the new.

At the same time that leaving feels so strange, it feels so natural. I cant help but notice the god-given desire to leave. I mean, most 18-19 year olds start feeling it, maybe before. I think we're a little hard-wired that way.

Its not a bad thing. Or a negative thing toward our parents, I love my parents. I'm just ready to jump out of the nest. To flap my wings a little. And that's one thing that's important - I feel ready. All thanks to (Jesus most of all, but) my parents. I feel like they have really had it right in gradually giving me freedom. It was definitely hard and annoying at times, but at the (almost) end of it, I feel ready to be on my own.

Proverbs 6:20-22 says "My son, obey your father's commands, and don't neglect your mother's teaching. Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. Wherever you walk, their counsel can lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up in the morning, they will advise you."

I can honestly say I will always remember the advice my parents have given me throughout the years. Because of the way they presented it most of the time, it stuck with me. Obviously they weren't going to let me do anything stupid and dangerous, but if it was something that maybe was a little on the edge of my experience, they would kind of lay out their opinion for me. Not just tell me no. They did that too, but mostly gave me their reasons, or let me decide for myself. I so respect that. Plus I never felt like I wanted to do something they told me not to, because I saw (and see) the wisdom in their "no". Its something that I'm going to remember when I'm a parent. So, thanks Mom and Dad :)

Leaving, oh leaving... I feel ready. Excited. Nervous, yes. But ready to jump and try out those God-given and parent-prepared wings :)

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